Wednesday 8 December 2010

Cartier Red Box @ Central by Sandy Mok

Cartier opened the Asia's flagship store at the Prince's Building in Central, the most stunning of luxury boulevards in Hong Kong. To celebrate and promotion it, Cartier built an ''enormous red box''for holding a 2-day grand opening which invited celebrities and VIPs at Pier 4, Central, in November. The design of this ''red box'' is similiar to the Cartier jewel case and match the brand image.

The design of this new store is very luxury and sparkling, like a wall of light.
This can show Cartier is the king of Jewellers.

HELLO KITTY Christmas Studio@Langham Place by Sandy Mok

HELLO KITTY Christmas Studio @ Langham Place
A Hello Kitty Christmas Exhibition is holding at Langham Place in Mongkok. The theme of this exhibition is called ''Hello Kitty back to London''. Many large and lovely Hello Kitty dolls are displayed in L4 at the plaza. It attracts many people to visit, including Hello Kitty fans and non-fans too.

Besides, there is a new promotion --Redemption of limited edition HELLO KITTY iPad Frame. Visitors can publish the photo and hence redeem a limited edition HELLO KITTY iPad Frame* with HK$30 on location or download the soft copy from this website or Langham Place Facebook for free.

Shatin New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER by Jenny YUEN

Chocolate Rain was collaborating with CAMPER to hold an exhibition in Shatin New Town Plaza this Halloween. The exhibition showed the work of Prudence Mak who is the chief designer of Chocolate Rain throughout the past ten years using shoes case as a platform. Some new designs of the main character Fatina was shown in this exhibition.

New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER_2

She is Fatina!

New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER_8

Products collaborate with CAMPER

New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER_1

The three pumkins behind were for different products

There was a pop up store in the exhibition that sold the Fatina product with the proceeds going to charity organization. Seems like it is a trend to have collaboration with different brands to create noise and making variations on products. Exhibition like this is very common and it is welcome by shopping mall because this can leads to higher pedestrian flow. People would like to take photos of the exhibition items and post them on their facebook or blog. The exhibition is easily spread by word of mouth. Moreover, magazines like Milk and East Touch would be very likely to talk about this kind of exhibitions. Information is able to reach a large group of people in a high speed. That's why we are able to see more and more of exhibitions in some middle size shopping mall now. However, famous brands are still like to work with large shopping mall like Harbour City and IFC.

Celebrating 160 years of Lane Crawford by Jenny YUEN

Lane Crawford has come to its 160th anniversary and it has launched an event at the IFC flagship store. The name of the event is "fashion: PLAY". The aim of this event is to thank those wo work in and shop at Lane Crawford in this 160 years. Many celebrities and important government officials are invited to this event. In this event, Lane Crawford has used many traditional Hong Kong stores and games to show their repect to those people and the development of Hong Kong culture.

This is a picture showing santa who try to blow away a tram.

Here are the very traditional cages for birds which are  usually used by the elderly now.

This represents how Lane Crawford begin from a small scale department store to nowadays business.

The event is not only celebrating the anniversary of Lane Crawford but also presenting the history of Hong Kong. I think the promotion is very successful because it is able to draw public attention by the public relations. Magazines and newspaper are all reporting the event and help to spread the message. Moreover, Hong Kong people are always willing to grab soething from the past. The claw machine, ping pong and air hockey are able to recall their memories from the past and how Lane Crawford grow up with them. The meaning of being thankful to people from the past and showing the history of Hong Kong make people think that Lane Crawford is part of them. Being a local department store, making itself more local in people's heart can be a way to promote itself. Yet, it is important to have balance between traditional and fashionable as Lane Crawford is selling stylish items unlike Lee Kung Man and Chickeeduck.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

It's the era of iphone! by Cammie CHIU =]

Want to know what's happening in different shopping malls??
First: Get an iphone!
Second: Download the apps!
Then you can easily keep track of all the latest news of different shopping malls!

Walking in the street, you can always find people holding their iphones and playing with them. iphone has successfully invaded our daily lives! This is how powerful technology is! How technology can change the way we live!

Nowadays, you can see facebook icon from websites of various brands, malls, companies, etc. Many shopping malls have taken a further step and created their iphone Apps in order to keep close contact with the shoppers. Smart! aren't they? Although HK is a small city, but people are just way too busy n dont have time to shop around all the shopping malls. With the iphone apps, you can know what's being promoted in the shopping malls at the moment, or new store opening, etc. In this way, you can save time n have a clear target where to go to get what you want.

It is very important for marketers to keep up with the latest technology development as they provide additional communication platforms for the company and more importantly, they can be crucial marketing tools - like iphone apps.

I saw some advertisements regarding the mall's iphone apps, i.e., the newly opened The ONE, Habour City, etc. And actually, there're much more: Elements, Langham Place...


Habour City

Look forward! Look further! Keep up with the trend! One must speak the same language with the target customers if he/she wants to succeed!

A Magical Christmas @ LCX Habour City by Cammie CHIU

This is a promotion in LCX Habour City. In the whole promotion campaign, new shops in LCX are introduced. There will be a lucky wheel and a PLAYMOBIL Play Area.

Lucky Wheel: Upon purchase of HKD1000 or above at LCX, customera are entitled to spin the wheel to win a gift. This can boost sales in LCX espcially during Christmas time when people are keen to buy Christmas presents for their beloved.

New Shops @ LCX: mercibeaucoup, GUESS, tout a coup, etc. There're quite a lot of changes in terms of the fashion shops in LCX.

PLAYMOBIL Play Area: There is a Play Area in the center of LCX, but it's mainly for kids under age of 4. Anyway, this PLAYMOBIL thing is quite interesting to attract people to come and have a look. At the entrance of LCX, there's a big PLAYMOBIL toy filled with smaller ones. (see above photos) People can make a guess on the number of PLAYMOBOIL inside the big one and submit their answers. They'll have a chance to win a PLAYMOBIL gift.

Besides all these promotion activities, what impressed me more is the leaflet I got there. (below)
You can see a game when u open the whole thing. A die and 4 PLAYMOBIL charaters are provided and people can play with. Each box of the game is a photo of different fashion merchandises.
I like this idea cuz it's creative and differs from the usual leaflets - just plain photos and some descriptions. When people play with the game, they will be exposed to the images of the fashion merchandises for a much longer time rather then just give it a glance. This can make people remember the fashion products unconsciously. Interesting n smart idea indeed! =D

Saturday 4 December 2010

Ralph Lauren 4D Experience@ London & New York by Yuki Lam

Actually, I don't know whetehr it is suitbale for me to post this event here as it is not took place in Hong Kong. However, I think that it is an innovative promotion event held and it marks the decade of fashion with technology. So, I would like to share it with you guys =)


The above link shows one of the most innovative fashion events of the year takes place in London and New York. Ralph Lauren launched a spectacular 4D light installation in the stores to celebrate the 10th year of in London and the opening of the flagship store in New York.

This technology called 'architectural mapping', which map the images with the building. In this 4D shows, Ralph Lauren presented the new collection of the brand as well as the classic and best selling accessories, like Ricky bag, tie and belts, which allow audience to enjoy experience in vision, hearing and smell ( as smell of fragrance released when introducing the Big Pony collection of fragrance).

With this innovative ideas and the use of technology, Ralph Lauren create an unique image by telling stories under this promotion campain and mark the decade in digital. The fusion of fashion, art, technology and retail create a new look for the fashion idustry.