Saturday 4 December 2010

CHRISTMAS CAN BE MORE THAN A CARD @ Elements and POP magazine by Carmen So


  This Christmas, there is a 3-dimensional white Christmas with master artwork based on artwork of Ingrid Siliakus, a world famous Dutch paper architect ,at ELEMENTS. 

   The main focal point is that a crafted Siliakus-inspired European white castle and English ceramic Christmas tree, bathed in the first-ever 3-dimensional lighting effects with ultra-large chandelier installation on the top of ELEMENTS are shown in Metal zone. 

   And 20 majestic original Siliakus paper re-imaginings of major world landmarks and generous 3-D Christmas card are showcased in water zone and fire zone respectively.The 'Art Architecture ' exhibition is opened between November 14 and December 31.

  To match up the promotion of ELEMENTS, they launch a special advertisement of pop out art in POP magazine this week.

  The advertisement can not only fit in with the theme, 3-dimensional paper artwork by Ingrid Siliakus, but draw readers’ attentions to notice the promotional events at ELEMENTS. As this advertisement is far different with other 2D print ads, it adopts the 3D effect and it can let readers feel impressive and imagine the physical decorations at ELEMENTS . Also, the pure white color is used on paper-crafted artwork and it may enhance the atmosphere of European Christmas, even stimulate people’s intentions to visit to ELEMENTS in Christmas.  

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