Wednesday 8 December 2010

Shatin New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER by Jenny YUEN

Chocolate Rain was collaborating with CAMPER to hold an exhibition in Shatin New Town Plaza this Halloween. The exhibition showed the work of Prudence Mak who is the chief designer of Chocolate Rain throughout the past ten years using shoes case as a platform. Some new designs of the main character Fatina was shown in this exhibition.

New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER_2

She is Fatina!

New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER_8

Products collaborate with CAMPER

New Town Plaza x Chocolate Rain x CAMPER_1

The three pumkins behind were for different products

There was a pop up store in the exhibition that sold the Fatina product with the proceeds going to charity organization. Seems like it is a trend to have collaboration with different brands to create noise and making variations on products. Exhibition like this is very common and it is welcome by shopping mall because this can leads to higher pedestrian flow. People would like to take photos of the exhibition items and post them on their facebook or blog. The exhibition is easily spread by word of mouth. Moreover, magazines like Milk and East Touch would be very likely to talk about this kind of exhibitions. Information is able to reach a large group of people in a high speed. That's why we are able to see more and more of exhibitions in some middle size shopping mall now. However, famous brands are still like to work with large shopping mall like Harbour City and IFC.

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