Wednesday 8 December 2010

Celebrating 160 years of Lane Crawford by Jenny YUEN

Lane Crawford has come to its 160th anniversary and it has launched an event at the IFC flagship store. The name of the event is "fashion: PLAY". The aim of this event is to thank those wo work in and shop at Lane Crawford in this 160 years. Many celebrities and important government officials are invited to this event. In this event, Lane Crawford has used many traditional Hong Kong stores and games to show their repect to those people and the development of Hong Kong culture.

This is a picture showing santa who try to blow away a tram.

Here are the very traditional cages for birds which are  usually used by the elderly now.

This represents how Lane Crawford begin from a small scale department store to nowadays business.

The event is not only celebrating the anniversary of Lane Crawford but also presenting the history of Hong Kong. I think the promotion is very successful because it is able to draw public attention by the public relations. Magazines and newspaper are all reporting the event and help to spread the message. Moreover, Hong Kong people are always willing to grab soething from the past. The claw machine, ping pong and air hockey are able to recall their memories from the past and how Lane Crawford grow up with them. The meaning of being thankful to people from the past and showing the history of Hong Kong make people think that Lane Crawford is part of them. Being a local department store, making itself more local in people's heart can be a way to promote itself. Yet, it is important to have balance between traditional and fashionable as Lane Crawford is selling stylish items unlike Lee Kung Man and Chickeeduck.

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